Saturday, December 26, 2009

can you help me ?
what does it mean when you say :
  1. cabin fever
  2. myster meat
  3. six feet under
  4. would not touch it with ten feet pole
  5. back on your feet
  6. that is so rad
  7. high five
think about the meaning .... these are slang but what do they mean
guss send me the answers and your phone call the highest score will get a speical phone call from me

Sunday, December 13, 2009

اهلا يا جماعة الف شكر لي جم و سماح لكل اللي مجاش
سارة انا لسة محجزتش دية اشاعات
سارة اسلام مستللر بي تبي رت
مروة امين وائل انتم فين و الباقي اللي مش بيظهر خالص فين
اليوم كان ظريف
الشباب اللي قاعود عملوا اية

Saturday, December 5, 2009

lموعدنا السبت انشاء الله

يا اهلا بالمعارك و صوتها المسمع
اخير صحيتم
علي فكرة انا يوميا بدخل لي الموقع زي ما قلتلكم قبل كدة بس مش بسيب تعاليقات علشان تكونوا برحتكم يعني كل لما افتح الميل بتاعي بفتح البلوجر
بصم بقي السبت يوم هايل انا كمان موافقة السبت 12 ديسمبر كدة صح المهم المكان و الساعة
ياريت الكل يجي

علي فكرة يوم الخميس انا كنت في المعهد ولاء قالت لي انها كانت معاكم في الاب بس انا ظروفي كانت صعبة و كنت مستعجلة قعدت 30 دقيقة بس
ولاء سماح لما كلمتيني رحمة كانت بتعيط و بهدلتني مش عاوزة تسيب بيت جدها و انا كنت متنرفزة جدا سامحيني كان دمي تقيل
الكل يكلم اكبر عدد ممكن نتقابل مع بعض
بلغوني المكان و الساعة يارايت بالنهار

Sunday, November 22, 2009

الف شكر يا شباب
اللي جاء واللي اتصل واللي بعت رسائل واللي هنئ علي البوجر
طبعا اللي مجاش مشفنيش و انا بتهزء فاتة نص عمرة بس ولا يهمني هو البحث الغلمي كدة عادي يعني و فيها اية المهم اخدناها وعدت عرفتم لية مش برضي اسجل فيديو
المهم انتم عوزاكم كلكم تحطتم حلم امامكم وتحاولا الوصول لية
تيجوا اقول لكم علي سر انا تقدير الليسانس كان مقبول و كنت بطلغ بمواد في اولي و ثانية و ثالثة كلية
بس دة بقي ماض الحاضر الوحيد هو الدكتوراة علشان كدة انا دعتكم علشان تعرفوا ان الفشل والصعوبات مش هي النهاية
كل واحد يكون لة حلم فاكرين مارتن لوثر كنج فاكرين I have a dream
يلة نحلم بقي
نيفين سلام يا شباب

Saturday, November 14, 2009

اخبار حلوة

اخبار بمليون جنية
ناولا شيماء نجحت
هي اساسا جاءت متاخرة عن الامتحان الشوارع كانت زحمةا
خبر تاني
يوم السبت القادم "السبت الي قبل العيد "ان شاء الله حناقش الدكتوراة اخير بعدرحلة كفاح 16 سنة من يوم التخرج من الجامعة اخير ا الحلم اتحقق مستنيية حضوركم كلكم
عارفين كلية تجارة عين شمس تدخلوا و تمشوا علي طول خط مستقيم
مبني معهدالبيئة احنا في معهد الطفولة في المدخل حتلاقواعلان باسمي و اسم القاعة في اي دور
منتظرة حضوركم و الاهم دعاكم طالما دعيتم لرنا و الدعاء جاء نتيجة معاها يارب انا كمان
عند وعدي و الغزومة جاهزة بس كملوا السكورات بتاعتكم

Sunday, November 8, 2009
try itit is for Phrasalsو verbs
use test your level it is up
دوسوا علي test yourlevel ,
و ابعتولي اعلي ماحد لة عندي عزمة بس مش عوزين حد يخم

Saturday, November 7, 2009

اهلا يا جماعة فعلا نكسر الصمت قشطة..فل .... عسل ..مربي و كمان واحد حوواشي شطة برة
نهاركم ابيض اة دة
  • اسلام الامتحان مش صعب الاساتذة خاصو كبروا علي المذاكرة
  • مروة مقدرش اخذلكم انا مش حاقدر ادرس و انا بنصف دماغ لازم اكون مركزة تماما و الة اكون زي اي حد بتنتقدوا اسلوبة علشان كدة الانسحاب افضل لحد لما اموري تتحسن معلش سماح يا مروة
  • يارب افرجها و الست ياسمين تعدي علشان ناكل تورتة و النبي يا رب
  • ادعولي يا جماعة الاسبوعين الجين عندي طحن
قررات هامة مفروض اخذها و مش عارفة عواقبها سيباها لربنا بس حاقوللكم اية الجديد يمكن اسيب مصر كلها او اسيب شغلي مش عارفة الصح اية انا مفوضة امري لله
رغم غلستكم و عفرتتكم بس انتم احلي حاجة دخلت حياتي الفترة الاخيرة
علي فكرو التبلوة رائع و الاهم منة احساسكم ا
خلونا علي ا تصال
بحبكم كلكم

Sunday, October 4, 2009

level 7 unit 1

hi dear friends starting from now NO ARABIC .... IS IT CLEAR??
as unit one goes for character description so try this wesite
it is here but if you log into the web site it would be more organized

This is a list of adjectives that can be used for any type of writing project.

humorous resourceful
responsible courageous

independent self-confident
industrious sensible

for some fun try this one but do not forget to click" CLAIK ON ME " so you can listen for some thing

Now you can write a charater desription


Monday, September 28, 2009

دار المشاة

ازيكم يا جماعة
مروة طلعت اتصلت بي اي رايكم نتقابل يوم الاربعاء30-9-2009
في دار المشاة
الي معاة رقم حد يقولة و حاولوا الن اللي معرفتش تيي يوم مؤمن تاكدوا عليهم علشان متنقطعش الصلة محمد فوزي و امين حاولوا مع مجموعة الاثنين و الخميسخاصة البنتين الاصحاب ذاكرتي مش سعفاني الان لان فعلا مهتمة بوجودهم ابو طالب بلغ الهام و"الساعة 5:30 في التراس الرئيسي "يعني الحديقة الامامية التي امام البوابة الرئيسية كدة وضحت

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

اسفة جد ظرف طارئ حاضطر ااجل الدار لبعد العيد

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

موعد الزيارة

بصم بقي انا حاروح ان شاء الله يوم السبت19 سبتمبر اللي عاوز يجي يفكر حيجيب اية معاو و ينفذ في صمت مش حقول مين يعمل اية انتم كبار و تقدروا تفكرو او اتصلوا علي
دية ارقام الدار هما منتظرينا يوم السبت حددوا مين حيجيب صنف اكل اية كم مش كبير لان ممكن اكتر من حد يجيب يعني ما يعادل اكل لنفسك وحد تاني معاك فقط اجر افطار صائم + لو اثنين او اكثر زي ماتفقتم منهم ابو طالب زي مقال تتقابلو عند محل اثنين و نصف اللي اول عباس اشتروا 15 لعبة رتبوا مع بعض الميزانية
شوفوا تعملواية برحتكم
كدة خلاص
السؤال الثاني
امتي موعد الكورس
ان شاء اله انا نعاكم
مين الضبط معانا في الكلاس حد جديد
اعملوا حسابكم تشتروا
Alahram Weekly
Mindmap تجديبوا معاكم ال و
بتاعت الكورس اللي فات لانة مترتب علية احمد
انت ممكن تيجي الكورس بلبس المدرسة اية المشكلة
و ماشي يا سي عمر الف شكر من غيرك الناس دية كانت حتتبهدل
اللي حيروح جامع عمرو اوعوا ينسوا يدعولي انا و رحمة
سلام بقي

Sunday, September 6, 2009

دار الايتام

شكرا لبعيقاتكم و يارب في الخير
سالي عملت مهمتها
عدد الاطفال الممكن ان بجسوا معنا 15 و هناك 15 في حالة حرجة لا يمكن ان يكونوا معتا ش
محاجين 15 هدسة من مخلات اثنين و نصف مش غالية
محتاجين اكل مناسب لهم و عدد من 8 مشرفات
اكل للقائمسن بالزيارة
حد ممكن سحكس حوادثت اة يعمل زثنة في المكان او اي افكار لانشطة ترفهية اة كاسث و تغتي كدة يعني نسبيهم شوسية
تحدد الموعد السة المكان دار ايتام الفردوس تقاطع عباس العقاد مع مصطفي النحاس فوق محلات ابو مازن للساورمة
اركب اي حاجة لاخر عباس العفاد و قول التقاطع
يا جماعة المضوع علشان ينجخ عاوز اكتر من حماس عوزين ننجح بجد البدا ية صعبة ابدنا في ايد بعض البتات حاولوا تيجم هاتوا خد من البيت معاكم علشان يحسوا بالامان
زي الاتقفاق دش بارتي كل واخد يقول حيعمل اية
علشان نحدد الميعاد مع الدار و نعرف مين حاي ممكن يكون عددنا من 6 الي 10 و لو في عدد اكبر للزيارة القادمة ا شاء الله

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

كان يوم جميييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييل

ازيكم يا شباب مرسي علي اليوم الجميل دة اتبسطت جدا و كمان رحمة

عملتوا اية فيي ستي ستار
روحتمم الساعة كام
الناس اللي مجتش اية نظامهم
البنات لو عاوزين ترتبوا يوم انا وانتم بس من غير شباب انا موافقة و ياريت ننجح في دة الست رانا اية اخبار الصيدلية و الاساتذة المهندسات اية الاخبار شيمماء ماما عملة اية خبا
هدير لو بتدخلي البلوجر تعازي الكل لك وللعائلة البقاء للة
بجد يا بنت وحشني مي و منار منتظرة تليفونكم ضروري و الهام لية مجتيش طبعا سما و عمرو"رجب"و وحمد و البية الهيرو سما علشان السفر مش عوزة انسي حد فيكم وحشني بجد
حانزل الصورة قريبا
اتفقنا مع الشباب علي اننا نبدا سلسلة زيارات مرة في الشهر الشهر دة حتكون ان شاء الله لدار ايتما الفردوس تقاطع باس العقاد مع مصطفي النحاس دية دار للاطفال الايتلم المعاقين
لو حد من البنات يحب يشارك هي او معاها اختها او صحبتهااووالدتهاوقت و ناس حتتبرع بالوقت وحد حيوصل الاكل بعربيتة وكدة يعني دة شبة ملخص سريع ولو الموضوع مهم اتصلوابي او بالشباب موبيلي

Saturday, August 29, 2009

الساعة 5
السيب ات المشاة ممكن اوصل ل 50 جنية لوحد مدني و دة مش مناسي للكل احنا حنقعد برحتنا بقي في المحل بقي غلاسة
اسلام مفروض بلغكم علي لساني لان النت عندي ميتة
بلاش و الني فرانكو اراب علسان انا من الجيل القديم مش بفهم
او لوعوزين تكلموا بعض و انا لا خلاص براحتكم
ان شاء اللة حتكون في خدود 25 او 30 بكتيرة الفرد
التفكير العملي و السؤال في الماديات مش محرج لحد انا بحب اسال بكام عت كل شي

دة تعبي ياجدعان
د نيفين

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ترتيب الفطار

السلام عليكم يا جماعة
احمد ابو طالب مش معاك يا اسام في الفصل لانة كان اثنين و خميس فأطمئن مفبش زهايمر ولا حاجة احمد دة اللي طا مرة بيلفت نظري ان في حاجة ناقصة
فعلا يا احمد الدخول للمدنين بتذكرة
ثمنها 10 جنية و الاكل كل واحد حيحاسب لنفسة "نظام انجليزي يعني "
ممكن تبدأ الطلبات من 25 جنية وزي ما انت عاوز طبق فية بفتيك\فراخ بانية او فراخ مشويةاو شيش+ سوتية
بطاطس وممكن تختار شوربة او مرونة و اكيد مشروب
لو عوزين نروح مؤمن عباس العقاد
ناخذ الوجبة الجديدة الفراخ ب 20 جنية و محترمة تسد مع الغالم الاكيلة ارز وعلية قطع فراخ +3 قطع بانية + شوية سلطة +2 نوع صوص +غصير او جمبري بدل الفراخ ب25 جنية طبغ اقتصادية اكتر ها اية رايكم بسرعة اختارو مع مراغاة ان المشاة بعد الفطار ممكن نقعد براحتنا في الحديقة يمكن لجد صلاة التراويح علشان لو حد عاوز يقوم يصلي او اكتر كمان لكن مؤمن مش حيكون في مجال للجلوس بعد االفطار اكتر من نصف او 3 ارباع ساعة
اختارو بحرية و بون احراج بس بسرعة علشان الوقت و الستاذة اللي مشغولين حاولوا تفضوا نفسكم يعني الهانم الدكتورة بلاش حقن يوم واحد غلشانا اما الباشا بتاع الكورة احرم فريقك منك مرة علشان يعرفوا قيمتك
حاولوا تتصلوا بكل اللي معاكم ارقامهم او الميل بتاعهم بجد وحشتنوي
و كمان في فكرةمهمة جدا عاوزين نتناقش فيها ونحطلها خطوات تنفيذة

Sunday, August 23, 2009

كل سنة و انتم طيبين

كل سنة و انتم طيبين

وحشتوني رمضان كريم اتفقنا غلي المكان دار المشاة باقي اليوم اية رايكم يوم الاثنين في الاسبوع الثاني شوفوا رايكم وردم علي ملحوظة

لمحمد الناس مش بتبعت علشان هي كدة الحياة

د/ نيفين

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

دورات لغات فيوتشر جايد

إنجليزي - فرنسي - إيطالي - إلماني – إسباني - روسي - صيني - لغات أخري

· مستويات مختلفة
· محاضرين متميزين
· دورات عادية / مكثفة / محادثة
· دورات خاصة للأطفال

عدد الماضرات : 8 محاضرات
عدد الساعات : 16 ساعة
السعر : 100 جنية فقط ( شاملة المادة العلمية والـ C.D و شهادة معتمدة من الشركة )

7شارع الأجهورى متفرع من مصر والسودان - حدائق القبة - محطة مترو الدمرداش
تليفاكس : 24874401 - 02 موبايل : 0171205498 - 0169690330
hasEML = false;

Sunday, August 2, 2009

فطار رمضان

يلية ابدؤ اقترحو مكان و موعد نتقابل فية مع بعض علشان نفطر في مكان معقول و مناسب لو بنات حبوا يجم معانا

A review

which movie did you watch
Arabic,English , on t.v or cinema
Go ahead and send your review
Dr.. Nevien

My score

hi my students
i like to know your scores
so go ahead and send your scores


Monday, July 20, 2009

what does it mean ?

send a word
the one who can find its neaning in the Dictionary is allowed to send a new word ?

تيجو نتعرف

فعلا يا احمد دية غلطة مني ازاي طلبت منكم تراسلوا بعض من غير نا تعرفوا بعض يمكن دة كان يخليكم اصحاب اكتر فكرة المناظرةمش فعالة قوي لاننا مش حنافس بعض لكن حنتعلم من بعض زي ما قلت يا اسامة
اية اخبار امنية يا اسامة قلها انها وحشاني
دة موضوع مفتوح علشان سارة كمان طلبت مني افتح لكم مجال للشات لان البلوجر مش زي الويبسيت العادي امكانتة محددودة شوية
علي فكرة انا سعيدة قويييييييي بيكم بجد انتم علمتوني كتييييير و بجد كان في وقت صعب جد مر علي الشهر اللي فات و مشاكل كتير بسبب كلامكم و روحكم ادتوني قوة اعدي كل الظروف و اقف امام كل المشاكل اللي كانت عندي
احمد انا مش انسانة خارقة بس انا بحاول اخلص في عملي و بحترم الناس الليبتديني من وقتها بجد لو كل واحد فيكم بيحب نفسة يخلص في عملة بلدنا محتاجة دة انا بحب البلد دية قوي و بعتبر عملي دة جهاد علشانها
دلوقتي بقي عوزة كل واحد يعرف نفسة لاصحابة مكان بتحبة وممكن نروحة اكلة مميزة فيلم لقيت نفسك فية لون حلو و لما قرات عرفت تاثير اللون دة علي نفسية الاخرين كدة يعني عرفوا نفسكم و قولو شي للخرين يعني انا مثلا
اسمي نيفين ماما سمتني علي اسم الاولي في الثانوية العامة سنة و1973 و بعدين عرفت انة كلمة تركي بمعني الطفل حديث الولادة و من لحظتها قررت ان كل لحظة تكوم لحظة ميلاد جديد في حياتي
شكرا ليكم

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

معلومة مفيدة

عارفين الهنود الحمر كانوا بينفذوا حكم الاعدام ازي ؟؟؟؟؟
كانوا بيحفروا حفرة عميقة و يرمو فيها المحكوم علية بالاعدام و يرمو له لحم بمعدل 3 وجبات في اليوم فقط و لا يوجد اي نوع تاني من الاكل لحد لما جسمة يفقد كل العناصر الغذائية الاخري و يصاب بالامراض و يموت !!!
يعني اعدام علمي جدا
شفتم بقي اللي ميكلش كل حاجة يحصلة اية

Did you try
www.go4english .com before !!!!
try it now and go to
to improve your listening
best wishes

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is mind mapping?
How can I create it?
What for should i use it ?
Go to


How To Make A Mind Map - Version 2

It is the 5 th video on the page
watch the movie and learn the 7 steps of writing a mind map
NOW you are ready to show your mind map to your friends

Dr .Nevien

The meaning of Happiness !!!

What does happiness mean for you ?

When do you fell happy .

Share your thoughts with your friends


Sunday, July 5, 2009

You are successful

Have you ever try the taste of success?

Would you try to share your story with your friends ?

Just write it here .... Yes , you have something to write just because


Dr .Nevien

Monday, June 29, 2009


If you want to look up the meaning of the 2 words verbs use this dictionery


Michael Jackson'

Lawyer: Jackson's doc didn't give excessive drugs

LOS ANGELES – A lawyer for Michael Jackson's doctor said his client never gave or prescribed Jackson the painkillers Demerol or OxyContin, and denied reports suggesting that the doctor gave the pop star drugs that contributed to his death.
Edward Chernoff told the Associated Press on Sunday that any drugs that Dr. Conrad Murray gave Jackson were prescribed in response to a specific complaint from Jackson.
"Dr. Murray has never prescribed nor administered Demerol to Michael Jackson," Chernoff said. "Not ever. Not that day. ... Not Oxycontin (either) for that matter."
Jackson still had a faint pulse and a warm body when Murray found him in bed and not breathing on Thursday afternoon, Chernoff said.
Chernoff told the AP that Murray was at the pop icon's rented mansion when he discovered Jackson in bed and not breathing. The doctor immediately began administering CPR, Chernoff said.
"He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn't breathing," the lawyer said. "Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse."
Jackson's family requested a private autopsy in part because of questions about Murray, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said. Murray also told the family an autopsy should be performed, Chernoff said.
People close to Michael Jackson have said since his death that they were concerned about his use of painkillers. Los Angeles County medical examiners completed their autopsy Friday and said Jackson had taken unspecified prescription medication.
Paramedics were called to the mansion while the doctor was performing CPR, according to a recording of the 911 call.
Because Jackson was so frail, Murray "administered with his hand behind his back to provide the necessary support," Chernoff said. Some have speculated the doctor botched the CPR.
"He's a trained doctor," Chernoff said. "He knows how to administer CPR."
Medics spent three-quarters of an hour trying to revive Jackson. He was pronounced dead later at UCLA Medical Center.
Murray was interviewed by investigators for three hours Saturday. His spokeswoman called Murray "a witness to this tragedy," not a suspect in the death, and police described the doctor as cooperative.
The attorney said Murray will wait to speak publicly until after the police and forensics investigation is complete.
A second autopsy can allow the family to get some information about a death almost immediately, including signs of heart, brain or lung disease or fresh needle punctures, said Dr. Michael Baden, a medical examiner not involved in the Jackson case.
"Usually if it looks normal with the naked eye, it looks normal under the microscope," said Baden, who recently performed a second autopsy on actor David Carradine.
Los Angeles County coroner's officials said their autopsy found no indication of trauma or foul play. But because of additional tests, an official cause of death could take weeks to determine.
Three days after the death of the King of Pop, celebrities descended on Los Angeles for a spectacular celebration of Jackson's life at the annual BET awards show.
Joe Jackson, Michael's father, walked on the red carpet wearing a black hat, sunglasses and a dark suit. He did not appear on stage during the show.
"I just wish he could be here to celebrate himself," he said. "Sadly, he's not here, so I'm here to celebrate for him."
In a statement read at the show, Jackson's parents said they solely had the personal and legal "authority for our son and his children." It was their strongest declaration yet about their son's affairs.
A tearful Janet Jackson appeared on stage in a white dress at the end of the BET awards. After a long pause to gather herself, she spoke haltingly but deliberately to the audience.
"I'd just like to say that to you, Michael is an icon. To us, Michael is family. And he will forever live in all of our hearts," she said.
There was no word from the family on funeral plans. Many of Jackson's relatives have gathered at the family's Encino compound, caring there for Jackson's three children.
Al Sharpton planned to visit the Jackson compound Monday and would talk with the family about how to memorialize the late pop star. Sharpton said they want to hold memorials in key cities around the globe and also planned a memorial service Tuesday at the Apollo Theater in New York.
Associated Press writers contributing to this report include: Sophia Tareen in Chicago; Juan A. Lozano in Houston; and Nekesa Mumbi Moody, Gillian Flaccus, Brooke Donald, Beth Harris and Mike Blood and AP Global Media Services Production Manager Nico Maounis in Los Angeles.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It `s a game !!

Can you match the words that sound the same, but are spelt differently and have different meanings? Eg: pair,and pear.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

I have a dream

Martin Luther King, Jr.
"I Have a Dream"
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.

We cannot walk alone.

And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.

We cannot turn back.

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: "For Whites Only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."¹

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.

And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."2

This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.

With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:

My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.

Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,

From every mountainside, let freedom ring!

And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.

And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.

Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.

Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.

Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.

Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.

But not only that:

Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.

Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.

From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Free at last! Free at last!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pronunciation activities

this will help u to speak better

Monday, May 25, 2009


Egyptian Marriage Customs of the Past and Present
By Ahmed Negm
An Islamic wedding procession in Egypt leads the bride to the home of the groom. The bride, hidden from view in a tentlike covering, is riding the camel. Elaborate processions like this one are chiefly a rural tradition of the Islamic wedding ceremony.
Marriage has special importance to Egyptians. They consider marriage as the most important event in their lives because it means a moral way of psychological and biological satisfaction. Egyptians assume marriage is the main method to protect youth from any sacred relationships; moreover, marriage reinforces society's relationships.
Marriage is a religious imposition, and we can find many parts in the Quran as, well as prophetic instructions, which encourage getting married. There is no doubt that marriage customs indicate the society's culture, behaviral patterns, thoughts and feelings.
Egyptian Marriage Customs in Ancient Egypt
Now let's indicate some Egyptian marriage customs in the past and present and their main effects.
The ancient Egyptians were the first people who stated marriage laws in the world. They regarded marriage as a civil and legal relationship. Marriage in ancient Egypt was a religious imposition. The ancient Egyptian laws organized the marriage relationship and indicated all rights and duties for the couples. Many of the old marriage contracts have been found, and they were registered and signed by three officers. The ancient Egyptian laws gave the right of divorce to women as well as men. The wife was respected greatly, and she had high prestige. The couple had a lot of chances to get to know each other before the engagement; for example, in the temples or at the common feasts. There was a custom in the Egyptian family which allowed the adult daughter to welcome the guests who came to visit her parents.
The Engagement Party in Ancient Egypt
The ancient Egyptians knew the engagement before getting married, and its customs were similar to the engagement customs in Egypt's countryside nowadays. It started by the suitor's parents visiting to his fiancee's house to get her family approval to complete this marriage and reaching an agreement, which contains two main items: an amount of money, called Mahr, paid by suitor to his fiancee's family to help them prepare the furniture of their daughter and a valuable jewelry gift, called Shabka, given by the suitor to his fiancee. The value of this gift depended on the financial and social levels of the suitor"s family.
When the two parties completed the agreement, they fixed an appointment for the engagement party. Most of relatives and friends attended the party in one of the common banquet halls, which was decorated with several kinds of flowers and lights. The fiancee wore the engagement dress which was simpler than the wedding dress and its color was blue or pink while the groom put on the finger of his fiancee a ring, the ancient Egyptians' gift to the old and new world,which was a symbol of immortality.
In addition, the groom gave his fiancee the valuable jewelry gift agreed on before. During the party, the attendands ate and drank several kinds of food and drinks.
The Night Before the Wedding
When the house of the new family became ready, the two families fixed an oppointment of the wedding party. The night before wedding day, the relatives, the friends and the neighbors got together to celebrate the "Henna Night". The women went to the bride's house, while the men went to the groom's house.
At the bride's house the women danced and sang all night while the bride wore a pink dress made with silk or cotton fibers, and her hands and feet were bleached with henna. Meanwhile, the men danced and sang all night at the groom's house, and the groom wore an expensive clean suit.
The Day of the Wedding
The next day, the marriage contract was signed and registered by priest in the temple in the attendance of the couple and most of their families and friends
The Wedding Party
After sun set, the wedding party started, and the couple wore their best dresses and jewelry. The bride was transferred to her new house on a horse or a camel with a musical band, and the attendants sprayed the cortege with green wheat as a symbol of fertility. Several kinds of cooked meats as well as vegetables and fruit were prepared for the attendants, who danced and sang with music all night.
The Day After the Wedding
In the morning, the wife's mother and her sisters visited her and gave her some food. The wife's friends and relatives visited her after seven days from the date of her wedding party, and they offered gifts and some food, while she gave them some sweets and fruits.
Ancient Egyptian marriage customs are the most effective marriage customs in Egypt's history although Egypt has been exposed to many civilization, such as, Greek, Roman and Islam.
Islamic Marriage Customs
The Islamic marriage doctrines are very simple, they are basically two factors. First, the acceptance of the couple, or their representatives, each other to be husband and wife is the most important term for marriage. Second, the publicity of the marriage (making it known to the people) is an essential condition of marriage; however, Islam emphasizes that marriage is the only available way to satisfaction the biological need between the man and the woman and to make the family; therefore, the available chances for the couple to get to know each other before the engagement have become limited, mainly through family visits or at public places.
The engagement and wedding customs in the Middle Ages remained as they were in Ancient Egypt although these customs are in disagreement with the simplicity of the Islamic spirit.
Marriages in Modern Urban Egypt
Nowadays, the marriage customs in the Egyptian countryside are similar to the ancient customs, but in the city the picture is quite different, where the couple has many chances to get to know each other at university, work, clubs and other public places.
However, the engagement agreement between the families still includes the two main items: the "mahr" and "shabka"; furthermore, the engagement party is quite similar to the engagement party in Ancient Egypt. Frequently it is held in one of the hotels.
However, the engagement period has be come longer because of the preparation of the new house is costly and does not suit the income of the couple or the income of their parents (housing is very expensive in Cairo).
The marriage contract is signed and registered by "maazon", a man who has an official license to sign and register the marriage contract, in attendance of the couple and their families and friends, and this procedure happens in the birde's house or at a mosque.
The Wedding Party
At the wedding party, the bride wears a while dress with a white mantilla while the groom wears a black suit with white shirt and necktie, and in the hotel the couple walks among their invitees from the entrance of the hotel to their seats, and infront there is the music band. The attendants spray flowers over the couple. When the couple takes their seat the party program starts with a drink called "Sharpat",a rose water juice, and after that the singers and the dancers start to present their shows, and in the middle of the party the couple cuts the wedding cake and opens the food buffet. When the party finishes early morning the couple thanks the guests and either the couple goes to their room or they go to their new house.
Bad Marriage Customs
Egyptian marriage customs in the past or in the present generally reflect the cooperative and brotherly spirit of the community; however, we should get rid of our bad marriage customs and habits because they cause a lot of serious problems for society.
The marriage between relatives (i.e. first cousins) is one of our bad customs in Egypt. Although marriage between relatives is a very old custom, it is still common in Egypt, and there are many reasons behind this kind of marriage. First, increasing the family size and consequently the power and the prestige of the family is the most important reason. Second, keeping the family's heritage and wealth among its members is another important reason.
However, marriage between relatives has many disadvantages like hepartinson and diabetes (in the children).
Furthermore, marriage between relatives causes tribal racism giving the chance for power struggles and superiority fights.
Another bad custom is that the marriage customs in Egypt are costly and do not suit the income levels of most Egyptian families; for example, the average of marriage cost in Egyptian cities is LE 100,000 ($ 30,000) while the average income is LE 150 ($ 44) per month. This situation creates heavy load on the young couple and their families.
I think although our marriage customs indicate deep emotions between the Egyptians, and illustrate the great civilization, we should work hard to minimize customs by organizing social campaigns to clarify our marriage custom's disadvantage. In addition, we should spread education and concern for women's education , especially in the countryside. In my opinion, if we do not get rid of most of our bad marriage customs, our problems will increase cutting off any economic growth and decreasing the development of the society..
Back to Muslim Wedding Customs Page

Monday, May 18, 2009

English idioms

Labor Day Jokes
Father: Do you know, most people don't have to work today, because it's Labour Day.
Son: If people are not working, shouldn't we call today 'No-Labour Day?'

May day, may day
By Lubna Abdel-Aziz
So you thought May 1st celebrates International Worker's Day! Just look around you! "All Nature wears one grin," exhibiting its spectacular vistas, ablaze with sunshine, bluebells and forget-me-nots. It dresses Earth in its finest greens, it urges the wild plants to bloom, the garden crops to sprout, the trees to blossom, and the birds to sing. Following the dark winter days and the long winter nights, Nature celebrates Earth's revival. It is the time for joy and hope, for love and romance! Could all this have escaped the senses ot early man?
May Day is a feast of ancient origins. Egyptians, Babylonians, Indians, Romans and others, celebrated the new season of beauty and pleasure. Records of the earliest May Day festivities of the Roman Empire describe the celebrations of Floralia, in honour of Flora, goddess of fruit and flowers, or Maia goddess of spring and growth. The feast was held annually from April 28th to May 3rd. At that time February 1st was the first day of spring, while May 1st was the first day of summer. That explains why the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, was mid- summer, and not the beginning of summer as it is now. With the conquest of much of Europe between 300 BC and 100 AD, the Romans brought their new traditions to each native lore! Such celebrations were held in Germany, France, Italy, etc, but never taken so earnestly as with the Celts of the British Isles. Perhaps it was the added influence of the Druids, whose name means "oak tree" or "knowing the oak tree," regarded the oak and the mistletoe as sacred and frequented the forests as worshipping grounds. They held Druid festivals at the beginning of each season. As Europe became Christianized the pagan holidays lost their religious character. Many indigenous celebrations were barred or Christianized, as with Christmas, Easter and All Saints Day. Others, like May Day became popular secular celebrations. In Medieval England, May Day became the favourite holiday of many English villages. People gathered spring flowers to decorate their homes and churches. Girls would wash their faces in the dew of early morning because they believed this made them more beautiful all year. Traditional dances circled a Maypole, holding the ends of multicoloured ribbons until it was covered with a beautifully plaited pattern.
They sang madrigals, exchanged gifts and wooed their loved ones. May Day was a day of courting throughout Europe. This was well-depicted in the film version of Camelot, as Guinevere sang with joy and gusto around the Maypole: " It's May. it's May, the lusty month of May." It was customary for everyone to go a-Maying early on May Day. Young girls would make May garlands with leaves and flowers. The highlight of the day was the choosing of the May Queen, the human replica of the goddess Flora, a custom which lingers on to the present day, as seen in the movie Picnic, with Kim Novak crowned as May Queen. In France, King Charles IX received a lily of the valley as a lucky charm on May 1st 1561. It became a French custom to offer a fresh sprig of lily of the valley as a symbol of springtime. It also became the flower of May. In Germany young people dance around the maypole, build bonfires and eat and drink wurst and beer as they "Tanz in dem Mai" (dance into May).
The early settlers in America, such as the Puritans, frowned on such frivolous celebrations, but accepted the custom of offering May Day baskets. Filled with spring flowers, candy, and other treats, the baskets are left at someone's doorstep, the giver remains unknown, and in 1920 in Hawaii, May Day became Lei Day, what else! A May Day parade is held in several American cities. It was the American city of Chicago, Illinois that inspired the May 1st celebrations of Labour Day or International Worker's Day. American workers were demanding shorter working days and more humane conditions. They had achieved some of their demands, but a 10-hour day was much too strenuous.
In 1884 the Federation of Organized Trades and Labour Unions declared that 8 hours would constitute a legal day's work effective May 1st 1886. When workers went on strike on May 3rd 1886, police fired into the peacefully assembled crowd, killing four and wounding many more. A mass rally was held the following day in Haymarket Square to protest police brutality. The rally was peaceful until the end when 180 policemen ordered the crowd to disperse. An unknown person threw a bomb killing a police officer and wounding 70 others. The police fired back. The heads of the movement were charged with conspiracy to commit murder, even though only one was present at the rally. All were sentenced to death despite the lack of evidence connecting them with the person who threw the bomb. Four were hanged on November 11th 1887, one committed suicide, and three were pardoned in 1893. The Congress of World Socialist parties in Paris in 1889 voted to support the US labour movement's demands of an 8- hour day rather than the gruelling 10-hour day. They chose the date of May 1st 1890, as the day when labourers all around the world would demonstrate in solidarity with their American brethren of Chicago, who started their uprising on May 1st. This date came to symbolize the long and bloody struggle of the worker's labourers throughout the world with the exception of the US and Canada. It is rather ironic that the country that inspired the May Day festival of the working class does not celebrate it. Following more violence with the American Railway Union and Pullman workers, a Labour Day on the first Monday of September of 1894 was passed by Congress. .
In the Roman Catholic tradition, May is a sacred month honouring the Blessed Virgin Mary. May Day is dedicated to a church mass, some school skits, and adorning Mary's head with flowers. The French select May Queens in their churches to lead the procession in honour of the Virgin Mary.
The ancient Egyptians chose the egg to signify birth and resurrection. They buried eggs in their tombs, and the ancient Saxons also offered eggs to their pagan god of spring - Eastre.
As for the international distress call "My Day May Day," it is the corrupt English translation of the Voulez vous "m'aidez, m'aidez." Now adopted universally, it is not remotely related to either May, Spring, or Labour.
The whole world is celebrating one thing or another today. Let us join in the spirit of hope in the air we sniff, filled with promise of renewal and resurrection for the coming season.
Hail bounteous May, that doth inspire Mirth and youth, and warm desire -- John Milton (1608-1674)

Preparing for the Fair
View the video, "How to Make a Job Fair Work for You," available at UMD Career Services.
Plan exactly what professional attire you will wear. You should look as good as you would for an interview.
Review standard interview questions and formulate your responses.
Participate in mock interviews.
Prepare a 45 second description of who you are and what you want. Your objective is to say one memorable thing to the recruiters as you hand them your resume.
Obtain the list of companies attending the fair.
Gather essential items to take to the fair:
a letter-sized portfolio with notepad and pen,
more than enough copies of your resume,
your research notes on companies participating in the fair,
a compact professional portfolio of your work samples (optional).
Arriving at the Fair
Check-in at the registration table to pick up a name tag and a copy of the fair layout.Drop off a copy of your resume.
Review the information and organize the final list of employers, in order of priority, which you plan to visit.
Select the employer for your first contact from your priority list (not your first or second choice).
Develop an interview plan which includes taking a break to assure that you will look and feel your best.
Watch the traffic flow in the room and if a line seems too long, it may be more efficient to select another employer.
Check your appearance.
Organize all of your materials.
Have your resume ready.
Review the information about the employer you are approaching.
Approach the first employer.
Approaching the Employer
As you approach the table, respect other people's privacy as they complete their contact.
Conduct yourself professionally at all times, you are on stage even as you stand in line or move about the fair area.
As you approach the interview table, establish eye contact, present a firm handshake, introduce yourself and explain why you have chosen this employer.
If the employer invites you to sit down, put your materials in your lap or on the floor beside your chair, not on the table.
Interviewing with the Employer
Have a three-point agenda: know what you are looking for, what you have to offer and what questions you will ask about the company.
Listen carefully and take conversational cues from the employer (e.g., when to end a response, when the contact/interview is over).
Try to generate and maintain interest. Smile, respond to questions with specific and concise examples, keep your voice lively, maintain a pleasant vocal tone, use a slightly forward body posture and use humor appropriately.
Use transition statements to share information about yourself that the interviewer may not have addressed (e.g., "That's interesting, I had an experience which relates..." or "May I tell you about...").
Respond truthfully, while always painting a positive picture of yourself (e.g. "I have not yet had an opportunity to... but in a similar situation, I...").
Ask for company information, application materials and the employer's business card.
Ask about the hiring process and time lines, and determine actual and potential openings.
At the end of the contact, offer a firm handshake and express your appreciation, using the employer's name.
Walk away with confidence, remember that you are still on stage.
Immediately following the contact, make notes on topics of conversation, contact names and follow-up procedures. Then prepare for your next contact.
Following Up After the Fair
Within three days, send professional thank you letters addressed to the specific employers (include typed application materials if you have them).
Within ten days, make telephone calls to determine if the companies have received your application materials, to check on the status of vacant positions, and to express your continued interest.
Keep accurate records of your contacts with companies, include dates of your letters or telephone calls and copies of all application materials you send.
Final Tip
Focus on learning as much as you can about what employers are looking for in the people they hire. The primary benefit of participation in the Fair is to collect information and make contacts.
My Job
I want to be a:

I want to have this job because...

I need to wear:

I need these special clothes because...

This is what I will do all day, when I have this job:

This job is important because...

This is what I will do when I present in front of the class:

This is what I will say when I present in front of the class:
Job Descriptions
Geisha, gaffer, guru — what do they do? Do cowpunchers jab cows? Do stockbrokers break things? Here's what these people really do.
Bellhop: A hotel employee who escorts guests to their rooms, carries their luggage, and familiarizes them with their surroundings
Best boy: An assistant to a gaffer in TV and movie productions
Cabin boy: A boy who acts as a servant on a ship, especially to the captain
Caddie: A golf course worker who carries clubs and assists golfers
Cowpuncher: A ranch worker who tends cattle and horses
Diva: The principal female singer in an opera
Engineer: A person who uses the principles of math and science to plan structures such as bridges, engines, roads, and canals
Extra: A person with a nonspeaking part in a movie
Gaffer: An electrician in charge of lighting on a movie or TV set
Geisha: A Japanese woman who plays classical Japanese music and performs traditional dances at private parties in Japan
Guru: A Hindu religious teacher and spiritual guide
Hermit: A person who retires from society and lives alone, often for religious reasons
Intellectual: Someone who studies and thinks about ideas
Intelligence agent: Also called a spy
Maitre d': The person who shows diners to their tables and supervises the waiters in a restaurant
Medicine man: A healer or sorcerer in a Native American tribe
Page: One who delivers messages and serves as a guide
Patron: A person who uses wealth and influence to help a person or a cause
Pirate: A person who robs ships on the high seas (outside territorial waters). Today's pirates use speedboats and carry guns.
Spy: One who collects and analyzes secret information about armies and battle plans
Spycatcher: One who tries to discover spies, also called a counterintelligence agent
Stand-up comedian: A person who tells jokes alone on a stage, usually in a nightclub
Stockbroker: A person who acts for others in buying and selling stocks or shares in a business
Undercover agent: Someone, usually a law enforcement agent, who pretends to be someone else in order to gain information
Valet: A personal servant who takes care of one's clothes, or a hotel employee who cares for clothes and does other personal servicesReturn to the Have a Job Fair lesson plan.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Phonics Lesson

Go to

Pick a level

Print the worksheet

Fill it

Give it to me


Games to study Voca.

Starter/beginner, elementary

  • Choose the topic whic you like
  • Here is the picture
  • Print it and start to answer

Good luck Dr.Nevien

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

E3 day 3 Ticket to enter

Dear student s
here is your ticket to enter for the day 3
Write 5 lines about your family and describe them .
Take care :
1- write in a CORRECT handwriting
2-have a picture for your family
3-No grammar or spelling mistakes and correct handwriting = 10 markes
4 marks for grammar
3 marks for spelling
3 marks for handwriting

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dear students , here are some
Jazz songs to use from starter to intermediate level.
Dr .Nevien

Monday, February 9, 2009


To release stress or anger.
1) Rob screams and yells a lot. He should find some other way to blow off steam. 2) Playing sports after school helps students blow off steam.
The idea is that anger and stress can build up inside a person and needs to be released, like an engine releasing pressurized steam.
Synonyms: vent
By :Dr.Nevien

Friday, February 6, 2009

speaking /slangs


The heart.
1) Try not to upset Grandpa when you're talking to him. He has a bad ticker.
Your heart beats regularly, like a clock. In English, a clock makes the sound 'tick tock, tick tock'.

fo more learning more slangs gp to this site you will read , and listen to them also send me the bst slang which you will learn

Go to slang of the day at the top left corner
Dr .Nevien

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Here are all the grammar topics
Good luck


Go to this site to have more practice,%20can
Good luck


To practice using some must and can use this link
Good luck

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Go ahead and improve your listening
Hi my students.Here we can share our experiences and enjoy learning.