hhhhhhhhhhhhh ok I am the second no problem you are welcome
Happiness mean the life if any one aren't happy one day he will lose the ability to live any more , happiness means that if you walk in the desert and you are hungry and thirsty suddenly you find a river and a lot of food and the weather become very wonderful without happiness w can't live any more
I fell happy when I help someone need for helping , when i make someone smile although the big hurt , when I become successful , when i make something make my family proud of me , and when i meet my friends i become very happy , when someone enter the Islam , when Allah forgive me this is the best things in the world
Thank you Dr.Nevien
Hero I am the first one who answer hhhhhhhhh
i will go to eat because i'm so hungry like you hero
in my openion happiness mean The ability to achieve my goals and do every thing which we prefere and solve every people problem this is the things which make all people live in happiness
i feel happy when I stay with my best friends ...when i be succesful in the exams and the live when ihelp my family when i play with my sister girl ( SALMA ) when i praying in the mosque i feel happiness and pece of mind when i help my friends i feel happiness
whn i be with you my friends in english course really i fell very happy
the happiness is the world , no it's the life no one can have alive without the happiness , i think that the happiness is a good feel take people to fly with birds in the sky , but the happiness had a lot of kinds , like happy of mother when she got a baby , with men when they make a good family
i have a lot of happy times , like when i be with my friends and when we had a good times , and when my sister had a good baby , and my happy 30 days in Ramadan , Ramadan means to me the year i had a good life when Ramadan come , and any good things happened to my family , and when the people be one family .
Hi,Happiness to me is 1-walking when it rains and cold. 2-inhale cold air in balcony at 6 a.m. 3-accomping with my real friends that i mix with them from 14 years. i adore them. 4-finding myself in anything acting,writing,dancing and anything else. 5-laughing from my heart not passing laughter. 6-satisfying my mind & my heart.not necessary to reach to my goal it's in my God's hand. that's all make me happy. I want to say that the other class is so funny :)& I want to say:I LoVe You Dr.Nevien & I LoVe Enlish Course.
Hello Miss NEVEN and every students The happines is alarge word and agood feeling in the same tine. to catch it we have to know what we want exactly.About me is satisfy my god and my parents first.Helping my mother to get well and praying for her healthy.Helping poors and needs people.Gathering my family in any occasion.All of this thing makes me happy. said shimaa class335
happines for me is looked like the water fot the roses with out it i must be died & i feel happy when its raining , when i see alot of roses i love roses soooo much and my happy moment is to see my father and my mother proud of me and love me , i'm happy when Dady call me Sky not Samaa.also happy when i achieve my goal
finally i want to be happy all the time and make all pepole are happy also
the happiness is the world , no it's the life no one can have alive without the happiness , i think that the happiness is a good feel take people to fly with birds in the sky , but the happiness had a lot of kinds , like happy of mother when she got a baby , with men when they make a good family
i have a lot of happy times , like when i be with my friends and when we had a good times , and when my sister had a good baby , and my happy 30 days in Ramadan , Ramadan means to me the year i had a good life when Ramadan come , and any good things happened to my family , and when the people be one family
thx elham we have laughing class all the time i advice u to join us i make advertisement for our class iam so impressed about shuill comment specially the last part
Happiness? Not Easy To Me To Fell This Fantastic Felling,I Can Fell This By 3 Ways,The First One Is When I Fell That Iam Close To "Allah",The Second One When I Fell That Iam Success,when I fell That Iam Near From My Dreams.The Third Way The Happy Felling Which Come From Love , I'm a sentimental guy,So Love Important To Me More Than Breathing. When I Fell That Iam Near From Allah And Ready At That Moment To Face The Death,When I Fell That Iam success And Few Of My Abilities Appeared,When I Hear The Voice Of My GirlFriend Who I Loved Her From 6 Year. When I Do All Of Them,I Can Say That Iam Happy . So In All My Life I Try To Taste The Happiness As I Need. Amr Ali Class 238- Monday
happiness is agood feal that make you fly in the sky and the best happiness in satisfy of god as when the god love you,the all people also love you and i see the happiness in helping the others when you see the smile on the face of somebody you help him in something that make me crazy, finally the great happiness in achieving the target in your live like Graduate from college and find awork. i hope this
Mohammad khaled I feel happiness in many actions. But the most moment I feel it and fly by it when I helped someone to across the street who go to the hospital (some times he was blind). I waited this moment from day to another. Maybe I felt this happiness because I lived behind the hospital and I see………..you know that 238
happiness it is easy word but it have many meaning if you asked 100 person what are the happiness for you ? the answers are horrible because we find 100 different answers ... so each one find the happiness in the lost thing in his life and he try to achive this thing to be happy . finallay in my opinion the happiness is satisfy from my god for me and achive my goal in this life only so to be happy stay away from more the appetites like more money and love this things stay away you about your dream that you can achive it ........ HUSSEIN >>> class 238
Everyone asks:"what is the happiness?"and what can make you happy.In my opinion my happiness is in many cases,the first case is the satisfaction of my god and my parents.The second one is in case of achievement my dreams and reach what I want.The third one when I feel my friends love me as I love them.In these cases I would be in the maximum of happiness.
Happiness is a deep feeling that every one feel in different ways but I think the main reason of happiness is doing all your work and have no problem you will feel happy then. life is hard but if anyone do his own work it will be change and every one will feel HAPPY!!!
Those interested ***************** i want to thank dr:neven for all these servises . some times n't some times all times i feel that dr: neven is my mother that 's n't courtesy and God that 's truth for me and i know that's honor for me . i love you ya dr:neven as like love to mam . ***** NAME : AHMED SAYID . ***** DAY : MONDAY , THURTHDAY . ***** TIME : 3-7 . ***** CLASS : 238 .
Minimum fine ************* in the first : i want to say that the happiness come from the laugh and n't laugh without happiness and no happiness without laugh so that there are many of people belive that in our current to the laugh is end or no place or time to laugh . i want to say that the laugh or happiness n't need to place or time so that there 's exaple says (Laugh laugh Boil ago) and Proved Psychologists that one laugh equal one week of beak so that i advise with happiness and laugh let the sad because the sad many of damage then the happiness no damage . ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****NAME : AHMED SAYID . ***** DAY : MONDAY , THURTHDAY . ***** TIME : 3-7 . ***** CLASS : 238 .
Happiness it is asmall word but it has abig meaning.people lived in the life searching for happiness.it is agood feeling but it different from aperson to another some people finding their happiness in their work another people finding it with friends or familly.another people may find it in travelling.another people lived their life ana didnot find it.i think you must be satisfied to can get happiness.finally i hope every one be happy. thanks
happiness its avery big word no one can appreciate it until lose it but I think that there are alotof glues that this word mean but they differ from someone to the other.for me happiness meansthat you achieve what you want satis factorily and to be succeful in your life,your work and in your sutdy but I think that happiness is more than this it means that your god loves you because I think that no one will be happy untill doing what your god order you to do and be satisfy of every thing your god made or gave to you in this moment and this moment only you will feel alot of joy and happiness and dont foregt to say always thank you allah for every thing you gave me.
happiness is in my opinion is: 1-When Ican draw asmile on the lips of human being. 2-when I hear the voice of laughter filled the place 3-when I look at the sky,when I look to the see and remember the most beautiful moment of my life which passed. 4-when I listen to music at night and observing the stars. 5-when I meet my old friends and remember school days.
** I think that happiness may be summeried as :- H = helping people and reduce their complain A = arrival of my dad from Abu Dhabi P = playing with my cousin Salma and Sama P = practice my favourite hobby ( reading and listening to music ) I = iLL person can be recovered N = no one hate me E = end all wars S = satisfy my god and my parents S = spend nice time in English course ************ posted by :- Rana Hussein class 238
first i will borrow one sentence from rana . that is saied (satisfy the god). all of you just imagin what will hapenning if we satisfied our god ? i think all of our proplems will be solved and we will feel that we have all over the world . the second thing make me happy when i speak to my father . any one will ask me why ? iwill say to him tale your mind business . hahaha.
اسف للكتابه بالعربي اصل كلمة كنافة .كان هناك في العصر المملوكي ملك عندما ياكل اي شىء معدته تصاب بألم . فأعلن عن جائزة كبيرة لأي أحد يقوم بعمل اي اكله جديده له ولا تصيب معدته بأي الم .ولو اصابته بألم سوف يقطع رأسه . وكان هناك رجل يعمل خباز وكان ابنه يلعب بالعجين فوضع اثناء لعبه العجين على لوح حديدي به ثقوب وللصدفة كان ذلك ينزل على الفرن الخاص بالفطائر .المهم خرجت شكل الكنافة المعروفة حاليا لنا فاستغرب ابو الولد وبدأ يفكر في ان يصنع اكله للسلطان من هذا الاختراع . وبالفعل بدأ يعمل صنية كنافة ولكنه لم يسمها اي شىء فهي حتى الان بلا اسم فهي اكله جديده من اختراعه . ذهب للسلطان بعد ان انهى عمل صنية الكنافة .
.لو اصل كلمة كنافة مهم لاي حد والحكاية عجبته يبعت ليا على البلوجر انه عايز يعرف ايه الباقي وانا هكتبه علشان يكون بناء على رغبة الجماهير باي
ممكن يادكتورة بدل ما حضرتك بتعملى فرق كل فريق من شباب وبنات تعملى فريق شباب وفريق بنات و كل مرة نشوف أنهى فريق أحسن من التانى والفريق الحسران يدى الكسبان أى هدية
سورى أنى أنا كتبت بالعربى بس ياعنى النبى عربى برضه ولا إيه وبعدين إيه فايد إلى أحنا بناخده ده ماكلنا هانموت ولا هانعمل بيه حاجة ولا كنشى هيجلنا ملك أجنبى وملك عربى يترجم وأنا المفروض إنى راجل مثقف فأترجم وإلى أدخل النار ههههههههههه سلام لأحسن عزرائيل يخدنى قبل ماخد الكرس وبعدين أدخل النار
الظريف اللي اسمه هيرو ولا هو هيرو ولا حاجة اتكلم على ثلاث اشياء هو ملوش فيها خالص اول حاجة انه قال( مش كفاية كتبت عربي )وانا بقولك انت مالك كتبت عربي ولا انجليزي ثم انا كتبت عربي علشان الدكتوره طلبت مني اكتب عربي على موضوع الكنافة اللي انت بتستهزأ بيه الحاجة الثانية ان انت قلت كلام لا يدل على اي شىء الا ان انا كذاب في القصة اللي انا برويها قلت هيا الكنافة بتعالج المعده وقلت ان انت كلت كنافة معدتك وجعتك انا مالي انا بيك انا واصحابي ليه نسمع اخبار عن معدتك واخر حاجة عايز اقولك عليها هيا ان دمك خفيف وياريت لا تستهزأ بكلام اي حد بعد كده علشان في كتيرر بيقرأ الكلام ده
خلاص خلاص ياجدعان عيب نتخانق مع بعض أمال لو مكناش جروب مع بعض كان إيه إلى حصل لالالالا كده عيييييييب أوى والدكتورة نفين تزعل أوى على العموم دى حرية برضه وفى الآخر أفتكرو أنكوا أخوات وفى ناس تانية بتقرا الكلام ده ومره مع موره أكيييد هيبقى فى ألفاظ ولا أنا غلطان ونلطع على الفضائيات مش متحضرين ده كلاااام بذمتكم ده سورى تخلف
i come the first before you wallaa
but i will but my comment after eating my lunsh
because im hangry
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehhhhhhhhhhhhh ok I am the second no problem you are welcome
ReplyDeleteHappiness mean the life if any one aren't happy one day he will lose the ability to live any more , happiness means that if you walk in the desert and you are hungry and thirsty suddenly you find a river and a lot of food and the weather become very wonderful without happiness w can't live any more
I fell happy when I help someone need for helping , when i make someone smile although the big hurt , when I become successful , when i make something make my family proud of me , and when i meet my friends i become very happy , when someone enter the Islam , when Allah forgive me this is the best things in the world
Thank you Dr.Nevien
Hero I am the first one who answer hhhhhhhhh
i will go to eat because i'm so hungry like you hero
sorry i forget class 335
ReplyDeletehero is counting the stars now after eating his lunch where is your comment
ReplyDeletenice comment wallaa
ReplyDeletebut tell me about the desert which we found river and food and good weather really i want to visit it in the nearest chance
i know you will kill me in the next class ya sharanya
eslam i wasnt counting the stars i was eating rice with the angle (sleeping) hhhhh
and where is your comment my dear
in my openion happiness mean The ability to achieve my goals
ReplyDeleteand do every thing which we prefere
and solve every people problem
this is the things which make all people live in happiness
i feel happy when I
stay with my best friends ...when i be succesful in the exams and the live
when ihelp my family
when i play with my sister girl ( SALMA )
when i praying in the mosque i feel happiness and pece of mind
when i help my friends i feel happiness
whn i be with you my friends in english course really i fell very happy
thanxs dr ;neveeeeeeeen
Mohamed Salah
Class: 335
the best forever
Dear Hero i'll tell you about my desert in our class
ReplyDeletetake care about yourself
where's the other students !!!
wallaa ibrahim
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethe happiness is the world , no it's the life no one can have alive without the happiness , i think that the happiness is a good feel take people to fly with birds in the sky , but the happiness had a lot of kinds , like happy of mother when she got a baby , with men when they make a good family
ReplyDeletei have a lot of happy times , like when i be with my friends and when we had a good times , and when my sister had a good baby , and my happy 30 days in Ramadan , Ramadan means to me the year i had a good life when Ramadan come , and any good things happened to my family , and when the people be one family .
ok ya Sharanya
ReplyDeleteu made me afraid
i will be absent next class from the scare
pls forvive me my dear and didnt punish me
i think dr :neveen will kill us
but she is akind woman and funny and Regarded us as her children
and really We consider her a large sister
with my best wishes
Hi,Happiness to me is
ReplyDelete1-walking when it rains and cold.
2-inhale cold air in balcony at 6 a.m.
3-accomping with my real friends that i mix with them from 14 years. i adore them.
4-finding myself in anything acting,writing,dancing and anything else.
5-laughing from my heart not passing laughter.
6-satisfying my mind & my heart.not necessary to reach to my goal it's in my God's hand.
that's all make me happy.
I want to say that the other class is so funny :)& I want to say:I LoVe You Dr.Nevien & I LoVe Enlish Course.
Hello Miss NEVEN and every students
ReplyDeleteThe happines is alarge word and agood feeling in the same tine. to catch it we have to know what we want exactly.About me is satisfy my god and my parents first.Helping my mother to get well and praying for her healthy.Helping poors and needs people.Gathering my family in any occasion.All of this thing makes me happy.
said shimaa
i am sorry imiss handwriting somewords"
ReplyDeletetime'- is to satisfy
hi every body here
ReplyDeletehappines for me is looked like the water fot the roses with out it i must be died & i feel happy when its raining , when i see alot of roses i love roses soooo much and my happy moment is to see my father and my mother proud of me and love me , i'm happy when Dady call me Sky not Samaa.also happy when i achieve my goal
finally i want to be happy all the time and make all pepole are happy also
the happiness is the world , no it's the life no one can have alive without the happiness , i think that the happiness is a good feel take people to fly with birds in the sky , but the happiness had a lot of kinds , like happy of mother when she got a baby , with men when they make a good family
ReplyDeletei have a lot of happy times , like when i be with my friends and when we had a good times , and when my sister had a good baby , and my happy 30 days in Ramadan , Ramadan means to me the year i had a good life when Ramadan come , and any good things happened to my family , and when the people be one family
said by amr ahmed
class 335
thx elham we have laughing class all the time i advice u to join us
ReplyDeletei make advertisement for our class
iam so impressed about shuill comment specially the last part
Happiness? Not Easy To Me To Fell This Fantastic Felling,I Can Fell This By 3 Ways,The First One Is When I Fell That Iam Close To "Allah",The Second One When I Fell That Iam Success,when I fell That Iam Near From My Dreams.The Third Way The Happy Felling Which Come From Love , I'm a sentimental guy,So Love Important To Me More Than Breathing.
ReplyDeleteWhen I Fell That Iam Near From Allah And Ready At That Moment To Face The Death,When I Fell That Iam success And Few Of My Abilities Appeared,When I Hear The Voice Of My GirlFriend Who I Loved Her From 6 Year.
When I Do All Of Them,I Can Say That Iam Happy .
So In All My Life I Try To Taste The Happiness As I Need.
Amr Ali
Class 238- Monday
happiness is agood feal that make you fly in the sky and the best happiness in satisfy of god as when the god love you,the all people also love you and i see the happiness in helping the others when you see the smile on the face of somebody you help him in something that make me crazy, finally the great happiness in achieving the target in your live like Graduate from college and find awork.
ReplyDeletei hope this
dr.neven there are some comments about happiness at the first topic in the main page
ReplyDeleteMohammad khaled
ReplyDeleteI feel happiness in many actions. But the most moment I feel it and fly by it when I helped someone to across the street who go to the hospital (some times he was blind). I waited this moment from day to another. Maybe I felt this happiness because I lived behind the hospital and I see………..you know that
happiness it is easy word but it have many meaning if you asked 100 person what are the happiness for you ? the answers are horrible because we find 100 different answers ...
ReplyDeleteso each one find the happiness in the lost thing in his life and he try to achive this thing to be happy .
finallay in my opinion the happiness is satisfy from my god for me and achive my goal in this life only so to be happy stay away from more the appetites like more money and love this things stay away you about your dream that you can achive it ........
class 238
Everyone asks:"what is the happiness?"and what can make you happy.In my opinion my happiness is in many cases,the first case is the satisfaction of my god and my parents.The second one is in case of achievement my dreams and reach what I want.The third one when I feel my friends love me as I love them.In these cases I would be in the maximum of happiness.
ReplyDeletenow I wait the time which can make me happy agian.
ReplyDeletehader maged
Happiness is a deep feeling that every one feel in different ways but I think the main reason of happiness is doing all your work and have no problem you will feel happy then.
ReplyDeletelife is hard but if anyone do his own work it will be change and every one will feel HAPPY!!!
Those interested
i want to thank dr:neven for all these servises .
some times n't some times all times i feel that dr: neven is my mother that 's n't courtesy and God that 's truth for me and i know that's honor for me . i love you ya dr:neven as like love to mam .
***** TIME : 3-7 .
***** CLASS : 238 .
Minimum fine
in the first : i want to say that the happiness come from the laugh and n't laugh without happiness and no happiness without laugh so that there are many of people belive that in our current to the laugh is end or no place or time to laugh .
i want to say that the laugh or happiness n't need to place or time so that there 's exaple says (Laugh laugh Boil ago) and Proved Psychologists that one laugh equal one week of beak so that i advise with happiness and laugh let the sad because the sad many of damage then the happiness no damage .
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
***** TIME : 3-7 .
***** CLASS : 238 .
this word very important meaning because any person not fell that meaning because our life become very diffcult and people become very liars.
ReplyDeletewhen it meeting best friend.walking under the rains.when satisfied my self allright.
ReplyDeletewhen meeting my friends in weekend .when listing the music amr and tamer ,dancing.when reading the love story.when walking in the sea
ReplyDeleteHappiness it is asmall word but it has abig meaning.people lived in the life searching for happiness.it is agood feeling but it different from aperson to another some people finding their happiness in their work another people finding it with friends or familly.another people may find it in travelling.another people lived their life ana didnot find it.i think you must be satisfied to can get happiness.finally i hope every one be happy. thanks
ReplyDeletehappiness its avery big word no one can appreciate it until lose it but I think that there are alotof glues that this word mean but they differ from someone to the other.for me happiness meansthat you achieve what you want satis factorily and to be succeful in your life,your work and in your sutdy but I think that happiness is more than this it means that your god loves you because I think that no one will be happy untill doing what your god order you to do and be satisfy of every thing your god made or gave to you in this moment and this moment only you will feel alot of joy and happiness and dont foregt to say always thank you allah for every thing you gave me.
ReplyDeletemaha mounier
happiness is in my opinion is:
ReplyDelete1-When Ican draw asmile on the lips of human being.
2-when I hear the voice of laughter filled the place
3-when I look at the sky,when I look to the see and remember the most beautiful moment of my life which passed.
4-when I listen to music at night and observing the stars.
5-when I meet my old friends and remember school days.
** I think that happiness may be summeried as :-
ReplyDeleteH = helping people and reduce their complain
A = arrival of my dad from Abu Dhabi
P = playing with my cousin Salma and Sama
P = practice my favourite hobby ( reading and listening to music )
I = iLL person can be recovered
N = no one hate me
E = end all wars
S = satisfy my god and my parents
S = spend nice time in English course
posted by :- Rana Hussein
class 238
first i will borrow one sentence from rana . that is saied (satisfy the god). all of you just imagin what will hapenning if we satisfied our god ? i think all of our proplems will be solved and we will feel that we have all over the world . the second thing make me happy when i speak to my father . any one will ask me why ? iwill say to him tale your mind business . hahaha.
ReplyDeletesorry the last sentence at my first comment was take your mind business.thank you.
ReplyDeleteاسف للكتابه بالعربي
ReplyDeleteاصل كلمة كنافة .كان هناك في العصر المملوكي ملك عندما ياكل اي شىء معدته تصاب بألم . فأعلن عن جائزة كبيرة لأي أحد يقوم بعمل اي اكله جديده له ولا تصيب معدته بأي الم .ولو اصابته بألم سوف يقطع رأسه . وكان هناك رجل يعمل خباز وكان ابنه يلعب بالعجين فوضع اثناء لعبه العجين على لوح حديدي به ثقوب وللصدفة كان ذلك ينزل على الفرن الخاص بالفطائر .المهم خرجت شكل الكنافة المعروفة حاليا لنا فاستغرب ابو الولد وبدأ يفكر في ان يصنع اكله للسلطان من هذا الاختراع . وبالفعل بدأ يعمل صنية كنافة ولكنه لم يسمها اي شىء فهي حتى الان بلا اسم فهي اكله جديده من اختراعه . ذهب للسلطان بعد ان انهى عمل صنية الكنافة .
.لو اصل كلمة كنافة مهم لاي حد والحكاية عجبته يبعت ليا على البلوجر انه عايز يعرف ايه الباقي وانا هكتبه علشان يكون بناء على رغبة الجماهير باي
ReplyDeleteيعنى مش كفاية كتبتلنا عربى
وتقول الكنافة
وبعدين هى الكنافة بتعالج المعدة
داانا باكل الكنافة من هنا ومعدتى تتعبنى دا زمان الملك قسم الراجل نصين ياعم
صبح صبح
طب الله يخليك عاوز اعرف مين اخترع القطايف
اكيد الملك قطيفة ابن قماش
ومين اخترع الهريسة
اكيد واحد داسه قطر
د. نيفين هتدخل تعملك مصيبة
وهتقتلنى عشان كتبلك عربى
بس يالا معايا جرين كااارد
منها شخصيا وولاء شاهدة على كده
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ReplyDeleteممكن يادكتورة بدل ما حضرتك بتعملى فرق كل فريق من شباب وبنات تعملى فريق شباب وفريق بنات و كل مرة نشوف أنهى فريق أحسن من التانى والفريق الحسران يدى الكسبان أى هدية
ReplyDeleteسورى أنى أنا كتبت بالعربى بس ياعنى النبى عربى برضه ولا إيه وبعدين إيه فايد إلى أحنا بناخده ده ماكلنا هانموت ولا هانعمل بيه حاجة ولا كنشى هيجلنا ملك أجنبى وملك عربى يترجم وأنا المفروض إنى راجل مثقف فأترجم وإلى أدخل النار ههههههههههه سلام لأحسن عزرائيل يخدنى قبل ماخد الكرس وبعدين أدخل النار
ReplyDeleteالظريف اللي اسمه هيرو ولا هو هيرو ولا حاجة اتكلم على ثلاث اشياء هو ملوش فيها خالص اول حاجة انه قال( مش كفاية كتبت عربي )وانا بقولك انت مالك كتبت عربي ولا انجليزي ثم انا كتبت عربي علشان الدكتوره طلبت مني اكتب عربي على موضوع الكنافة اللي انت بتستهزأ بيه الحاجة الثانية ان انت قلت كلام لا يدل على اي شىء الا ان انا كذاب في القصة اللي انا برويها قلت هيا الكنافة بتعالج المعده وقلت ان انت كلت كنافة معدتك وجعتك انا مالي انا بيك انا واصحابي ليه نسمع اخبار عن معدتك واخر حاجة عايز اقولك عليها هيا ان دمك خفيف وياريت لا تستهزأ بكلام اي حد بعد كده علشان في كتيرر بيقرأ الكلام ده
ReplyDeleteخلاص خلاص ياجدعان عيب نتخانق مع بعض أمال لو مكناش جروب مع بعض كان إيه إلى حصل لالالالا كده عيييييييب أوى والدكتورة نفين تزعل أوى على العموم دى حرية برضه وفى الآخر أفتكرو أنكوا أخوات وفى ناس تانية بتقرا الكلام ده ومره مع موره أكيييد هيبقى فى ألفاظ ولا أنا غلطان ونلطع على الفضائيات مش متحضرين ده كلاااام بذمتكم ده سورى تخلف
ReplyDeleteعلى فكرة انا لسه عارف حكاية المعلومة المفيدة دى امبارح من الدكتورة نيفين
ReplyDeleteواما قريت كلامك وبعت التعليق كنت فاكرك بتهرج وقلت اهرج معاك شوية من غير مااقصد سخرية خالص منك او حاجة
وكنت فاتح دلوقتى اعتذر لك لانى ماكنتش اعرف
بس انت اخدت حقك بنفس الاسلوب الى انت اتدايقت منه
وعلى العموم شكرا ليك وحقك عليا
اعترف انى غلطان والاعتراف بالحق فضيلة
ومش عيب انى اعتذر اما احس انى غلطت